Our Mission Minded Congregation Supports
Ray of Hope
Our congregation has sponsored a small orphanage in Mombasa, Kenya since 2011. The Mission team of CeCe and Michael Tesh has done some incredible and meaningful work with the under privileged in Africa. We support the orphanage through direct contact and fund raising as well as through the Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church.
Sole Purpose
Beginning in 2011, this youth-led organization has had one united purpose:
Through 2021 these young missionaries have raised over $67,000 and distributed over 3000 shoe vouchers in our county and beyond, reaching 12 school districts with this mission.
Ahuas Clinic – Honduras
The church sponsors Dr. DDS Scott and Lorrigan Booth on their short term mission trips to the Ahuas Clinic – a remote site in the “bush land” of Honduras. What started as a dental mission as morphed into other areas of positive outreach and mission as well.
Community Luncheon
The congregation hosts a monthly luncheon (September – December and March – April) on the first Friday of the month. This is a delicious meal full of great food and wonderful conversation. Proceeds from this church-sponsored meal are donated to mission work and not local church finance.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group of dedicated crafters meet once a month creating beautiful prayer shawls. The shawls are given to those in need of God’s comforting presence. You can always join these knitting and crocheting crafters that share their talents to be given to others.
Sugar Cake Baking
Church family volunteers bake Moravian Sugar Cakes from September through April. These delicious coffee cakes are a hometown favorite in the Tuscarawas Valley. Proceeds from the sale of the cakes help benefit our mission work.